Sunday, February 22, 2009

21 Feb 09 First Plantings

21 Feb 2009 - first plantings!!!

The sun was shining and it was the first day since all the snow and ice that I could get up to the allotment

I remembered this time to soak the raspberries and gooseberry bushes in water for an hour before they were planted which gave me plenty of time to dig in some more manure and fertiliser. It also gave mum and dad a chance to join me. Mum did a sterling job in tidying up the only original bed left, that with the globe artichokes in it, (or are they cardoons??

Dad continued with the last of the beds, as I helped with the pulling up of the couch grass roots. I'm sure there are lots still in there but at least there are less than there were.

I planted the gooseberry and the raspberries in the fruit bed as you can see on the left. I staggered the raspberries either side of the wire supports as I had read in an article somewhere that this was possible when planting summer fruiting raspberries, well as my dear dad says " They've two chances!"

I also staked my claim to my plot with my newly made number sign! Beautifully crafted by my dear husband in the garage from one of his many off-cuts of wood! I love it! It shows it's mine and that I take a pride in it. Although as you can see in this last picture, the rest of the plot isn't looking as attractive yet. I need some ideas for the paths, I fancy woodchips but maybe grass would be better even if a lot of work?? I just don't know. Anyway, next job is to complete the raised beds, and enclose them in wood. I must also start to sow some seeds at home ready to transplant in the late spring.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Family visit to the Lottie part 2

The blogger is only letting me upload one photo at a time tonight so there may be a few extra posts!

Here's the rest of the party i.e husband and I making beds, adding manure and making supports for raspberries, which we didn't plant in the end because we forgot to soak them for an hour and when we remembered we were too knackered and wanted to go home!!!
When we'd finished, a little bit more done!
And me and mum at our most loveliest!!! LOL!!!! Dressed in all the best gear for the lottie!

Family Trip to the Lottie- 31 Jan 09

Mum and Dad visited the lottie for the first time!
So I got them to do a little digging!!!